Tran Dinh Trong's Blog

Stuydy and share

parent:: AND self::

PHP supports two reserved class names that make it easier when writing OO
applications. PHP supports two reserved class names that make it easier when writing OO
applications. self:: refers to the current class and it is usually used to access
static members, methods, and constants. parent:: refers to the parent class and
it is most often used when wanting to call the parent constructor or methods.

  • self:: refers to the current class and it is usually used to access
    static members, methods, and constants.
  • parent:: refers to the parent class and
    it is most often used when wanting to call the parent constructor or methods.
  •  It may also be used to access members and constants.

class Ancestor {
const NAME = "Tran Dinh Trong";
function __construct() {
print "In ". self::NAME." Construct";
class Child extends Ancestor{
const NAME = "Tran Dinh Thien";
function __construct() {
print "In ".self::NAME." Construct";
$child = new Child();

In Tran Dinh Trong Construct

In Tran Dinh Thien Construct

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